Issues & Platform

A Vision for the 41st Assembly District: Adam Dweck's Plan for a Stronger, Fairer, and More Efficient New York

Adam Dweck is committed to transforming the landscape of New York politics with a platform centered on accountability, efficiency, and community empowerment. His plan addresses the most pressing issues facing the residents of the 41st District and New York State at large.

Taxpayer Accountability
Challenge: Albany’s chronic spending problem has led to an excessive tax burden on New Yorkers, with little to show in terms of quality public services.

Solution: Adam proposes a rigorous examination of Albany’s finances to cut down on government bloat. His focus is on responsible spending that prioritizes the needs of the community over political self-interest.

Fixing the MTA
Challenge: The MTA is plagued by financial mismanagement and inefficient operations, leading to subpar transit services for New Yorkers.

Solution: Adam advocates for a complete overhaul of the MTA, focusing on smarter spending, improving rider experience, and expanding efficient transit options like bus rapid transit routes and Citi Bike, while preserving existing parking.

Common Sense Policing
Challenge: Recent legislative changes have made it difficult for law enforcement to effectively maintain public safety.

Solution: Adam supports common-sense legislation to empower law enforcement and protect communities from hate and violence. He believes in a balanced approach that respects civil liberties while ensuring public safety.

Challenge: The pervasive influence of pay-to-play politics undermines public trust in government.

Solution: Adam aims to restore integrity in government with fresh perspectives and initiatives (like term limits) that prioritize the interests of New Yorkers, combating the entrenched culture of corruption.

Investing in Infrastructure
Challenge: New York’s infrastructure is aging and vulnerable, particularly in the face of extreme weather events.

Solution: Adam proposes forward-thinking infrastructure projects that not only modernize facilities but also incorporate resilience and sustainability, protecting communities for the long term.

Expanding Mental Health Services
Challenge: Access to effective mental health services is limited, leaving many New Yorkers without the support they need.

Solution: Adam is committed to expanding and improving mental health services across the state, ensuring that all residents have access to the care and support they need for their well-being.

A Commitment to Action
Adam Dweck's platform is built on a foundation of action, not just words. He understands the challenges facing New Yorkers and is ready to tackle them head-on with pragmatic, results-oriented solutions. Join him in creating a better future for the 41st District and for all of New York State.